A Christmas Carol

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It was Christmas Eve

Ebenezer Scroll sat in his cold office

to work on his antique website

Good evening uncle, shall I help you with your website for Christmas?
I have some ideas! At Perfect Web Team we work at some great projects.
Are you coming with me? Then I'll show you some examples.
Nonsense! This site is perfect!
Hi nephew! Glad you're here!
Please help me with that antique website!
What can we do to make it better?
Schrikt wakker
I am the web ghost of the past
Welcome to this dream
Once your website was modern
Once your website was cheerful and welcome for everyone with internet explorer
I am the web ghost of the present
Your website is sooo slowwww
Nobody can find your website
Your website is so hard to use
I am the web ghost of the future
What website?
We can't find your website anymore

Statistics for scroll-and-barley.com


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The new home page for the entire Dutch Public Broadcasting (NPO), based on your personal preferences. Perfect Web Team built the website with Craft CMS.


De nieuwe startpagina voor de gehele publieke omroep, gebaseerd op jouw persoonlijke voorkeuren. Perfect Web Team heeft met veel plezier aan de website gewerkt en kijkt uit naar een mooi vervolg in 2022!

welkom.npo.nl screenshot

Platform Mindful Living

Online inspiration and connection by Centrum voor Mindfulness. Technical realization of the Mindful Living platform with connections between subscriptions, payments and administration.

Centrum voor Mindfulness

Met veel plezier heeft Perfect Web Team gewerkt aan de doorontwikkeling van de website. Met het nieuwe platform Mindful Leven en nieuwe dashboard als hoogtepunten!

centrumvoormindfulness.nl screenshot

Website and application Parcls.com

A new website based on Craft CMS. Including an improved customer portal, dashboard for the store employees and many connections with other systems and hardware.

parcls.com screenshot
Happy Holidays!
Grmbl, there is nothing wrong with my website!